Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tuesday on Tape #9 - King Ralph

#9 - King Ralph (11/20/12)

Tuesdays on Tape Rating Scale™

Previews: 0/1
Soundtrack: .5/.5
B&T: 1.5/1.5
Graphics: 1/1
Sound Effects: .5/.5
Likable Characters: 1/1
Memorable Moments/Quotables/Emotion: 1.5/1.5
Total: 6/7

Rent or Buy?: Buy

  • Spotted Dick jokes
  • Cricket scene
  • OST by John Goodman
  • Burger King scene is hilarious
  • Elaborate glass domino effect
  • Randy Finnish Princess with man voice
  • Tommy is badass
  • Goodman hanging out sunroof of a limo

Personal Thoughts: King Ralph is the highest rated tape in Tuesday on Tape History so far. Is it that good? Yes.

It might not be quite as good as Fraily, but this movie is full of fun! John Goodman plays the titular character and makes this movie. (He's as integral to this as he was to Matinee, another excellent film.) Goodman is an American with very distant ties to the Queen of England. He finds himself the King after a freak accident wipes out the entire Royal Family. It's a comedy, so don't expect anything too grand. Unlike most 90's comedies, there are no annoying over-the-top actors.

My favorite part in the entire thing is when John Goodman sings. Multiple times. Yes, really, it's John Goodman singing. He even has a wild musical number at a party! It's amazing! If It weren't for the lack of previews, this would have had a perfect score. The quest for the perfect tape continues!

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