Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Slasher Scorecard: Junior (1985)

Junior (1985)

I borrowed my buddy Josh's copy of Junior a few months ago and forgot about it. I remembered last night and decided to watch it and apply the Slasher Scorecard. Remember, the scoring system isn't necessarily intended to judge quality of the movie, but rather the amount of cliches it has. (Although some may argue a slasher's quality is proportional to the amount of cliches.)

Junior was a really fun romp. Most of the movie is structured like a rape-revenge exploitation movie. Two girls move to a rural area and fix up a house by the lake. They make a few friends, but are mostly terrorized by the hick Junior and his friends. This felt like a lighter version of Gator Bait. Towards the end, it jumps gears and decides it wants to be a slasher. Probably the best part of the movie was Junior himself. Junior didn't bring any horror but was used as comedic relief. Some of his curse-ladled rants were hilarious!

Sadly, Junior doesn't have a lot of gore or even horror cliches. There is one notable gore scene with a dog gutted out and handing from a rope. Other than that, this is pretty tame effectswise. Still, I recommend it for fans of Gator Bait or Snake Eater.

The movie nets a point total of 87. For context, this is a bit on the low side. 87 points is much higher than a giallo or something really tame would get, but lower than the other movies I've rated recently like Bay of Blood.  Here's the tallied up scorecard, with points earned in bold.

Slasher Scorecard: Junior

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