Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tuesday on Tape #7 & #8 - Wizards & Frailty

#7 - Wizards (10/30/12)

Tuesdays on Tape Rating Scale™

Previews: 0/1
Soundtrack: .5/.5
B&T: 1.5/1.5
Graphics: .5/1
Sound Effects: .5/.5
Likable Characters: 0/1
Memorable Moments/Quotables/Emotion: .5/1.5
Total: 3.5/7

Rent or Buy?: Avoid

  • ”Aaahhh!” (You will never be able to recreate that yell simply through text.)
  • The two soldiers who were the only likable characters in the movie
  • “I don’t wanna hurt nobody anymore!”
  • "They killed Fritz!
  • Sudden bursts of sensational violence that made the movie kind of tolerable
  • Red Lobster Bender

Personal Thoughts: I didn't actually see this one. It's the only Tuesday on Tape that I've missed. I'm just posting it for posterity. Everyone else said it was bad. Over half the viewers walked out. I have seen 5 minutes of it, and they weren't bad. But, knowing Ralph Bakshi, this probably sucked big time.

#8 - Frailty (11/6/12)

Tuesdays on Tape Rating Scale™

Previews: 1/1
Soundtrack: .5/.5
B&T: 0/1.5
Graphics: 1/1
Sound Effects: .5/.5
Likable Characters: 1/1
Memorable Moments/Quotables/Emotion: 1.5/1.5
Total: 5.5/7

Rent or Buy?: Buy

  • A dozen simply masterful previews which brought us back to the days of old
  • "Butthole!"
  • “I'd do anything to see her teeuts!”
  • “They killed Fritz!”
  • Extensive Anatomy of a Scene after the movie, which had a man moving a 15 foot 2x4 up and down repeatedly ("The Jiggle Master")
  • Lots of fun

Personal Thoughts: Frailty may be the actual best movie we've watched so far. I want to start off by mentioning that this tape had 12 previews and a featurette at the end! That's crazy! Frailty is one of my favorite A-movie horror films.

A man is convinced that he has a mission from God to kill sinners. He enlists his two sons to help him in the battle, but one of boys has his doubts. The acting from Bill Paxton and Matthew McConaughey is excellent. The child actors do an excellent job as well. The script and cinematography are mighty fine, too.

One reason why I like Frailty is because it kind of reminds me of one of my all time faves, Parents. There's a really interesting dynamic to a story where a child can't trust his parents. Unlike Parents, this one also questions religion. Few other blockbuster horror thrillers are this clever. You owe it to yourself to see it if you have not already.

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