Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tuesday on Tape #13 - Jury Duty

#13 - Jury Duty (12/18/12)

Tuesdays on Tape Rating Scale™

Previews: 0/1
Soundtrack: .5/.5
B&T: .5/1.5
Graphics: 1/1
Sound Effects: .5/.5
Likable Characters: .5/1
Memorable Moments/Quotables/Emotion: 1.5/1.5
Total: 4.5/7

Rent or Buy?: Buy

Personal Thoughts: Jury Duty is a solid movie. The tape rating suffered a lot due to lack of previews and B&T. Otherwise, it was good stuff. Pauly Shore carries this movie, but he wasn't as likable as he usually is. Pauly just wasn't in full "Weasel" form in this one. He's definitely not as out there as he was in Encino Man or Bio-Dome. Don't let that deter you from watching if you're a fan of Shore or early 90s comedy in general.

Jury Duty was the final tape of the 2012 season. We took the next week off for Christmas but did watch a tapette during our Christmas party. What is a tapette again?

tapette - A VHS tape that fulfills one of two conditions: a) it is a short film that is under 50 minutes in length, or b) it is a compilation tape with episodes of a TV show or short films that total under 50 minutes each. [In case (b), each episode will be considered a separate tapette.]

Ok, I apologize for not updating regularly about the tapettes we watch. I maintain the Tuesday on Tape online presence through our Facebook page and this blog. Sometimes I fall behind. I find it easier if I don't have to worry about taking pictures of the short tapettes every Tuesday night. So rather than updating all the time, I'll probably just give you a list of a bunch of tapettes recently watched.

Here's a list of the tapettes watched in 2012:

- Monster Rancher: Let the Games Begin (Episode 1) - Avoid
- Hardly Boys in Hardly Gold - Buy
- Fay’s 12 Days of Christmas - Buy
- Jackie Chan Adventures: Friend or Foe (1/8/13) - Rent

The first meeting of 2013 was the annual awards ceremony. Tapes are awarded for excellence in the individual ratings categories, as well as for Tape of the Year. So what won what? Check out my next post to find out! 

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