Friday, December 21, 2012

Tuesday on Tape #4 - Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2

#4 - Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (10/2/12)

Tuesdays on Tape Rating Scale™
Previews: .5/1
Soundtrack: 0/.5
B&T: 0/1.5
Graphics: .5/1
Sound Effects: 0/.5
LikableLikable Characters: .5/1
Memorable Moments/Quotables/Emotion: .5/1.5
Total: 2/7

Rent or Buy?: Avoid

Each week, we will list things about the tape that deserve special kudos. This week kudos go out to:
  • Censoring curse words with fart noises
  • Releasing the VHS as Family Edition only, censoring the risque aspects of the theatrical release
  • Copious amounts of stunt driving
  • Weird, misleading letterbox effects that disappear after a few seconds
  • Babies on the cover aren't in the movie
  • “I like bouncin’!”
  • “Can a baby get some water?”

Personal Thoughts: Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 looked so much better than it actually was. I've been wanting to see this movie since it was released in 2004. The first Baby Geniuses movie is pretty stupid and funny, and this one looked even more stupid! How could it not be funny?

I recently remembered the bouncy ball baby and decided to look up the trailer. The trailer was hilarious, so I immediately checked to see if the movie was on VHS. 2004 was the very, very late end-of-days era for the format in America. I figured if any movie would be released on tape in '04, it had to be some family movie drivel like Baby Geniuses 2. As soon as I saw it available on Amazon, I purchased a new copy from the marketplace.

As for the actual movie, it sucked. Now, one thing to keep in mind with my reviews is that if I say something sucks, it sucks. Bad. I appreciate things that are so-bad-it's-good (I never liked that phrase). I don't consider campy stories and hilarious acting to be "sucky." If I say something sucks, it has to be boring and unentertaining. Sucky fits Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 to a tee.

A child superspy uses a machine to turn four babies into superheroes to fight some crazy German guy. The highlights were Bouncy Boy, the little baby who turns into a rubber superball. He gets the best lines in the movie, as quoted above in the kudos. There's a couple of other cool things like the stunts (with some hilarious CGI thrown in too) and fart jokes. In between that goodness, however, is a bunch of boring crap. Mostly it's just Jon Voight playing a Hitler type, talking about he hates babies. Avoid this if you actually want something funny to watch. Watch only if your viewing group is strong enough to talk through the really boring moments in bad movies.

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