Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tuesdays on Tape 2012 The Tapie Awards

The first annual Tapie Awards took place on January 8th, 2013. The top candidates in each category were nominated. Then we voted anonymously and counted up the votes. Here were the winners and runners-up.

Best Previews
Winner: Frailty
Runners-Up: Guyver Gunhed

Best Soundtrack
Winner: King Ralph
Runners-Up: Ocean Drive Weekend, Jury Duty

Best B&T 
Winner: Phat Beach
Runners-Up: King Ralph, Wizards

Best Graphics
Winner: Gunhed
Runners-Up - Guyver, Merlin's Mystical Shop of Wonders

Best Sound Effects
Winner: Volere Volare
Runners-Up: Cat From Outer Space, Merlin’s Mystical Shop of Wonders 

Best Likable Characters
Winner: King Ralph
Runners-Up: Ghost Dad, Ocean Drive Weekend

Best Memorable Moments/Quotables/Emotion
Winner: King Ralph
Runners-Up: Merlin’s Mystical Shop of Wonders, Phat Beach

Tapette of the Year
Winner: Hardly Boys in Hardly Gold
Runners-Up: Fay’s 12 Days of Christmas, Jackie Chan Adventures

Avoid of the Year
Winner: Wizards
Runners-Up: Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2, Gunhed

Tape of the Year
Winner: Phat Beach
Runners-Up: Ghost Dad, King Ralph 

The graduating class of 2012!

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